Size:10 Kg. (10 Kg. drained weight)
This flour is obtained from wheat that has been elaborated with the porpoise of frying fish, and Andalusian stile. It is possible to achieve fried calamari and seafood to perfection, with smooth texture, crunchy sensation, and golden color. This flour has extraordinarily low humidity (15%) and it will absorb almost no oil, thus highlighting the flavor of the fish as opposed to the frying oil. For restaurants that fry large amounts, it will be also a significant saving on oil, because it will last longer and also because it will require less top-up.


Size:10 Kg. (10 Kg. drained weight)
This flour is obtained from wheat that has been elaborated with the porpoise of frying fish, and Andalusian stile. It is possible to achieve fried calamari and seafood to perfection, with smooth texture, crunchy sensation, and golden color. This flour has extraordinarily low humidity (15%) and it will absorb almost no oil, thus highlighting the flavor of the fish as opposed to the frying oil. For restaurants that fry large amounts, it will be also a significant saving on oil, because it will last longer and also because it will require less top-up.

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